Friday, 15 June 2012

Interested in Computer Graphics?

There are quite a few graphic programs out there, hopfully this guide will give you a better knowledge of them...

3D Graphics

Maya, 3DS Max, Mudbox, Sculptris, Blender, Zbrush, UDK, Unity


Maya, 3DS Max, Endorphin, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Flash, Morpheme

2D Graphics

Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Adobe Fireworks, Paint, Paint.NET


Maya: £3050.00 or Free for Students
3DS Max: £3050.00 or Free for Students
Mudbox: £3050.00 or Free for Students
Scluptris: Free
Blender: Free
UDK: Free
Unity: Free or $1500.00 for Pro Version
Endorphin: Free for LE or priced for professionals (Not Stated)
Adobe Fireworks: £285.60
Adobe Flash: £667.20 or £142.80 for Students
Morpheme: Priced (Not Stated)
Adobe Photoshop: £667.20 or £190.80 for Students (becomes extended)
Gimp: Free
Paint: Free (should come installed with Windows OS)
Paint.NET: Free

Sorry that this post isn't very detailed, but it would have been a super-long post if I included all the features each product has!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Interested in Programming?

If you're interested in programming then there are multiple different languages to choose from and different software packages. This post should help you know what options are out there...

C/C++, C#, XNA, Direct X, Visual Basic & F#:

If you are a hobbyist then the best program for you is Visual Studio express 2010, however if you are a student at university you can get the professional version from a website called Microsoft Dreamspark.

These languages can be used to make PC & Console Games and Software.

NB: Please note that if you are planning on using XNA 3.1 or lower you will need to use Visual Studio 2008, since Visual Studio 2010 is only compatible with XNA 4.0.


There are many platforms out there for Java and I find that the best one is eclipse, which has options to download many additional content from a GUI creator to a UML toolset, which can help you with your projects. Unfortunately some of these you will need to buy a licence for if you plan on using them.

There is another one called BlueJ, which might come in useful to you if you are new to OOP (Object Oriented Programming). This program shows the classes you create as objects and also shows which classes you have connected together.

This language can be used to make simple PC & Old Mobile Phone Games. It is mostly used for Software Deveolment though.

XHTML/HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, JScript, ActiveX etc.

The best program for this is unfortunately only availible for a price. This is Adobe DreamWeaver, the reason why it is the best is because it has a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Screen, which can speed up your web design dramatically.

If you are looking for free option though there are 2 good programs out there for download. These are context and Notepad+. The reason why these are good, even though they don't have a WYSIWYG Screen, is that they colour code the text for the language you are using, which makes it easier to use and to edit your text. You can also use notepad, but I wouldn't recommend this for big programs.

These languages can be used to make Web-Based Games and Static/Dynamic Web Pages.